How to draw attention to your post?

Anyone who deals with content creation and publishing on social media, encounter the challenge – How to make a post that will attract attention and get the best possible reactions?

Just 6-7 years ago, we were able to look at almost every post on Facebook. Today, people create and share much, much more content on social networks. So we scroll and scroll until something grab our attention. And then we stop scrolling and start reading.

How can your post be the one people will look at?

It’s actually very simple. You should think of what people do on social networks. Previously on Facebook or Instagram we would post mostly just images of interesting events from our lives (Photos from vocations, New Year events, etc.). In a similar way, companies represented themselves. They created the page, filled contact information, and published several photos. And that was it.

Today that is just not enough.

Today people discover more about themselves on social networks. With whom they were having coffee, what kind of sandwich they had, what their dog looks like… Very personal things.

What”s the point?

In such an environment, you can’t post only photo of product and price and expect that people will love your brand. People expect on social networks personal, warm, emotional and funny things.

So you need to provide some interesting, emotional, humorous or educational content.

Record someone using your product, make a video of a part of the production process, show the work environment in your company, discover some interesting and useful information…
Only when you become interesting to people, they will love your brand. After that, sale will be easier.

It is important to always keep in mind that it is becoming more and more difficult to sell on social networks, and that you have to put more effort in the content creation in order to attract potential customers or users. People are not on the social networks in order to buy, they came to entertain, inform, laugh…

Here are some examples.

  1. You produce furniture
    Instead of a photo of a closet with dimensions and price, take a short video of how
    father and son assemble that closet in their apartment. This may actually be a video
    instructions of how such closets are assembled. It will be sweet and warm at the
    same time. And it will attracte an attention.
  2. You produce pasta
    Instead of a picture of pasta packaging, take a short video of how to quickly and
    easily make a fabulous dinner with this pasta. And give the recipe. People love useful
  3. You have a spa center
    Instead of a picture of a woman lying on the massage table (a thousand times seen
     ), make an attractive infographic that reveals scientific, verified, information
    about how healthy a spa is for the organism. You will build the trust with people.

And so on… You’re now probably getting some ideas related to your business. 

If you have any question for us, please contact us via contact form, e-mail or phone.